11 Tips for Creating Effective Landing Pages

11 Tips for Creating Effective Landing Pages

Creating effective landing pages is one of the essential tasks for affiliate marketers. If you are new and you want to create high-converting landing pages, you are at the right place. I will share 11 tips for creating effective landing pages.

What is a landing page?

A landing page is designed to persuade users to take one specific action. This is the page where your prospects will land before going to the sales page (hence the name).

Why do you need a landing page?

A landing page has many benefits, but I will mention just three of them as I see them as the most important ones.

You have control of the landing page.

As an affiliate marketer, you do not have control of the sales page, so creating an effective landing page will give you that control to warm your prospects before they go to the sales page.

It can increase the conversion rate.

I have seen a lot of good products with a bad or average landing page, so having a page that can explain the products even better than the owner will increase the conversion rate.

Most ad networks do not like affiliate links.

If you use paid advertising to get new prospects, you must create a landing page because most networks that sell you ads do not like affiliate links.

They want you to send visitors to pages that you own and, from there, to send them to the offer.

11 Tips for Creating Effective Landing Pages.

We know that landing pages are an important part of our affiliate marketing process, and we need them to increase the conversion rate so that we can make more money with the same effort. Here are the 11 tips for creating effective landing pages.

Get a premium landing page builder.

There are a lot of great landing page builders in the market; even some autoresponders will offer you a free landing page if you use their software.

If you have a budget to invest in, my recommendation would be Clickfunnels. This is the best landing page builder on the planet, but it is not cheap; the cheapest plan starts at $147 per month but is worth every penny.

If you have some money, my second recommendation is the Thrive themes. You can buy the whole suite for $299 per year or just the landing page builder (Thrive Architect) for just $99 a year. 


Note: You need a WordPress blog to use Thrive Themes; you can learn how to install a WordPress blog here.

If you are broke and do not have money, you can start with Systeme.io. It is a freemium landing page builder, and you can start for free.

Here is the free landing page I have in my System.io account. You can download a copy of it here.

landing page

Understand your target audience.

You need to understand your target audience; you need to study them and find out their main problems and challenges; this will help you create a landing page that will reflect on those issues and the solution.

The easiest way to figure this out is to find out where your target audience hangs out. Let’s say you target moms above 35 years old; find out where these people hang out and check on Facebook ( most of them are there).

If you find groups that talk about moms’ issues, take note of the questions they ask, which you can address on your landing page.

Do not let imposter syndrome hold you back.

Imposter syndrome is the inability to believe that one’s success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved due to one’s efforts or skills.

We all were beginners at once, and sometimes, we felt like we did not belong there or lacked the skills to tell people what to do.

This can lead to anxiety, and this might reflect on your landing page.

The solution is to do it anyway, and it is normal to feel this way. Do your best, study landing pages into your niche, and model after them, and you will be fine.

Be problem-aware.

Avoid focusing on solutions when your target market does not necessarily know they have a problem or are aware of the solution.

Focus on signs/symptoms (pain points) of the problem your visitors can relate to before presenting them with the solution you are promoting.

Let’s say you are promoting a drill machine. Do not focus on how your drill machine is best (the solution).

Focus on how to make holes ( the problem) and recommend your drill machine as a solution.

Focus on helping people.

As an affiliate marketer, I want to make as much money as possible. Still, affiliate marketers often forget that people buying those products are real people with real problems.

You need to help people and give them tips and information to help them fix their issues. Do not promote products to make an extra buck.

Find products that help people even if they pay you a lower commission. Doing this will make people trust you more, and you will make more money in the long run.

Give visitors a good user experience.

The better the user experience you provide, the more likely your visitors will click on your affiliate link.

Please make sure you use high-quality images, your page loads fast, the words on your page are large enough so that they can read even with their mobile devices, and avoid grammar mistakes; always proofread your landing pages before publishing them.

Avoid potential distractions on your landing page.

I have seen landing pages with many distractions, links to other affiliate programs, Adsense ads, unrelated images, and so on.

Common distractions include the following:

  • Links to other pages
  • Intrusive pop-ups
  • Ads 
  • Meaningless and irrelevant content

The primary function of the landing page is to make the prospect click the link and go to the sales page. Keeping it as simple as possible will increase the conversion rate.

Remember, confused prospects do not buy.

Focus on one solution.

I have seen landing pages talking about weight loss, becoming wealthy, and manifestation in one page. Most people do this thinking it will increase the chance of prospects clicking the link.

No, this will confuse your prospects. They will not click that link. You need your landing page to focus on one solution for their problems. If you think there are more solutions, create different landing pages.

Make your landing page congruent with the sales page.

Your landing page should be congruent with the sales page, making your visitors feel like they are navigating the same pages and are not redirected to an entirely different page.

The content on your landing page should tie in with the content on the seller’s landing page.

Moving from your affiliate landing page to the seller’s sales page should be a seamless experience for your visitors and a natural progression from pre-sold to sold.

Visitors should not be surprised or disappointed when they land on the seller’s landing page and find it is not what they expected.

It’s not a landing page job to sell the product.

You do not want to convert your landing page into a sales page. As an affiliate, your job with the landing page is to prepare the customer so that they are ready to buy when they reach the landing page.

Always get a second opinion.

As human beings, we have what is called confirmation bias. This is the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one’s beliefs or theories.

To overcome this, I recommend getting a second opinion. If you are in a Facebook group with fellow affiliate marketers, you can post your landing page there, and people will give you their honest opinions.

Another way to do this is to create similar landing pages with slight changes between them, drive the same amount of traffic, and figure out which performs better.

Final words

Those are my 11 tips for creating effective landing pages. Do not be afraid to test things out. This is the only way to learn and figure out.

Some landing pages will flop, and some will be a huge success. Focus on the good ones, drive as much traffic as you can, and you will make it as an affiliate marketer. 

About the author 

Seki Hudson

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