10 Ways To Make Money From Blogging

Ways To Make Money From Blogging

Do you want to start a blog or have a new one and wonder how you will profit from it? Then you are in luck because today, I will share ten ways to make money from blogging.

Before we start with ways you can make money from blogging, let’s start with the elephant in the room: Can you make real money from blogging?

Can you make a living blogging?

My answer is a big yes. You can make a living blogging, which can be very lucrative.

However, the harsh truth is that most bloggers (more than 90%, according to statistics) do not make any money. Some make a few dollars here and there, and very few make a lot of money.

Ten ways to make money from blogging.

You can profit from your blog, but you must work for it. If you start a blog today and write and post content every day for six months. I am sure you will. Here are ten ways to make money from blogging.

1. Display ads

This is the easiest way to make money from your blog. All you need to do is start a blog and add content, then apply to Ad Display networks like Google Adsense or Media.net. Those networks will give you a code, and you will put that code on your blog.

Ads will be displayed on your blog, visitors will see them, and you will be paid if they click on them.

The best part of this method is that you do not need to sell anything. Get the code, put it on your blog, and keep creating content. As the amount of visitors increases, you will make more money.

The other side of the coin is that this is the least profitable method to make money from your blog.

If businesses can pay ad display network money for a click on your blog, they make much more money. You can do the same.

After saying that, I still make money from Adsense on my new niche site.


It is nothing to brag about, but it proves this works.

Banner Advertisements.

Depending on your niche, you can offer banner advertising directly from your blog.

Many companies will pay you good money to advertise your blog. Depending on the size of the banner and the amount of traffic your blog gets, you can charge your customers accordingly.

I do not do this myself, but most people I know make, on average, $1 for 1000 views again. You can decide how much to charge depending on the quality of your traffic.

Some people charge per week, and others charge monthly. Again, this will depend on you.

Affiliate marketing.

This is the best way to make money from your blog, especially if you are a beginner. All you need to do is find affiliate products in your niche. Most product owners will have advertising material ready for you to use.

You will also get a unique affiliate link. All you need to do is place banners in your blog and use links in your blog posts. You will get paid when people click on those links and buy something.

I get paid every day just for doing that. The proof is in this post. You can see some links or banners. I might get paid if you click and buy anything from one of those links.


Native Advertising.

Have you been to a blog and seen links to other blogs or pages? This is what we call native advertising.

These ads are very popular, and many bloggers I know make a lot of money.

The only problem with this is that you must have a certain number of page views or visitors per month, which makes it impossible for new bloggers to join.

I never tried this method because, as I said, my niche sites do not reach that amount of traffic, and for those that get that amount of traffic, I monetize them using affiliate marketing.

Paid reviews/Sponsored posts.

This is the method that companies use to pay you a certain amount of money to post an article on your blog. I used to charge $20 per post on my blogs.

This method is simple: They write an article, they put some links (2 or 3 ) in the article, they send payment via Paypal, and you post the article and send them the proof.

This can be very helpful in the early days since you won’t be making much money from other monetizing methods.

Sell Your Own Digital Products. 

You can create your digital products and sell them on your blog. Do not overcomplicate this. You can create a PDF on how to do something and sell it on your blog.

I once created a simple PDF on starting a blog, and I was selling it for $9.95. It was solid information, and I made excellent cash from it.

You can do the same in your niche and profit from it.

Launch an Online Course.

When you blog for some time, and people start to like your content, there is a chance that they will like what you have to teach them.

This is not a simple PDF; this is a complete course, and I prefer a video course,  where you will teach your audience everything you know. Be yourself, and you will be fine.

I do not have my course yet, but I plan to release one before the end of this year.

Offer Online consulting.

When you show that you know what you are talking about, you can offer online consulting in your blog, and people will pay you a lot of money to have someone consult with them.

The good thing about online consulting is that you can charge between $1,000 and $5,000 per consulting customer, which can be profitable. You do not need many customers to reach six figures online.

Start Online Mastermind.

A mastermind is a small group meeting at a certain time to discuss a common issue.

What you can do here is find people willing to pay you a certain amount of money, say $97 per month.

You can meet with them via webinar or Zoom once per week. During this meeting, you can share your wisdom and knowledge with them, and they can ask you questions.

If you have 20 members in your mastermind, you can make around $2000 just working one or two hours per week.

Sell Your Blog

Most people do not do this, but you can sell your blog and earn a lot of money. I know people who sold their blog for over $100,000 after blogging for ten months.

I never sold any of my blogs, but a few years ago, a girl from Miami wanted to buy my blog about weight loss.

I refused to sell, and since then, no one has approached me about purchasing any of my blogs, and I never tried to sell.

The rule of thumb is to sell your blog for at least ten times your monthly income.

Let’s say you have a blog that makes you, on average, $1000 per month. You can sell it for $ 10,000 or more. The best site to sell your niche site is https://flippa.com/.

Final words

Those are ten ways to make money from blogging. If you have a blog, keep blogging; if you do not, you can start one. Here are the instructions for how to build my blog from scratch

About the author 

Seki Hudson

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