Getting the first online business to get started is always the hardest. The main problem is that it might take time to start seeing results if you’re new, and most people quit before reaching that point.
When I started my online venture, I was at university with many family obligations and did not have a job ( I had a paid scholarship).
After school, I would stay awake late at night, learn everything I could about affiliate marketing, and set everything up. After weeks of not making a dime, I would discard that business and start something else.
I did this for years, so it took me too long to make my first sale.
After failing many times ( I can’t remember the real number, but it is a huge number), I had to look for a job. After working a few jobs here and there, I got a job at a big corporation as a tech guy.
But I did not like that life as much as I thought I would, so I returned to the online business.
Every day after work, I would bury myself on the computer, learning about affiliate marketing, traffic generation, and building blogs.
I usually worked until 2 a.m., sleeping only 4-5 hours before work the next day. This went on for about six months.
There were times when I wanted to give up.
But whenever I asked myself, “What other alternatives do I have?” the answer was “None.”
I felt I would never get what I wanted from working in that company.
That pushed me to continue working on my online business.
Don’t get me wrong. I am a certified control engineer, can program a PLC, and have good knowledge of industrial automation, so I potentially had many career choices.
My answer was ‘None’ because I wanted a career that could eventually lead me to time and financial freedom, and I reckoned that running an online business was the only answer.
The main reason why starting my first online business was hard for me, and it took me a long time before starting to make any money, is that I lacked focus.
When I started to focus, everything changed for me.
If you are starting and thinking of giving up, telling yourself to ‘Not Give Up’ is easier said than done.
If your goal is to achieve time and financial freedom, perhaps you can ask yourself the same question that I asked myself,
“What other alternatives do you have that can lead you to time and financial freedom?”
If the answer is none, then forget about giving up and keep working.