What You Need To Do To Make Money Online

What You Need To Do In Order To Actually Make Money Online

Most people who try to make money online fail; there are many reasons for that. One of them is that they fail to do a few things.

That is why I will share with you what you need to do to make online money.

What You Need To Do To Make Money Online.

Making money online is simple but not easy. It is simple because there are a few small things that you need to do, but it is not easy because most people neglect them and end up not making money; here are things that you need to do to make money online.

Pick a skill

The first step in making money online is choosing a skill. This is a problem with most wannabe online entrepreneurs: they lack actually skill.

A skill can be anything you can do, from cooking, sports analysis, fishing, etc, and other people can pay you to do it for them, or you can monetize through display ads.

There are a lot of skills you can learn, but some of the most profitable ones are:

  • Copywriting
  • Email Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimation (SEO)
  • Content Creation
  • Video Editing
  • Creating Thumbnail
  • Building Websites
  • Investing
  • Crypto

Whether it is something you already know or want to learn, just pick a skill and start there.

Learn the skill

Selecting a skill is just a starting point, and you need to learn the skill ( if you do not have the skill already). You can learn a new skill in one weekend if you wish.

You can buy and read a book, you can read articles on blogs, you can watch YouTube videos, there are many ways to learn. Take notes and learn as you can.

Start producing content

You do not have to be an expert to start sharing your knowledge with others; each day, some new people have no idea what to do and take the first step.

If you take one weekend to learn about the skill, you will probably know much more than most people. All you need to do is test what you learn and produce the content of the whole process.

If you are learning how to create a website, maybe you can show people how you determine the topic for a website, how you buy a domain name, how you add pages, etc.

You need to be one step ahead of the person consuming your content.

You need to pick the media on which you will share your content, and my recommendation is to pick one medium for short forms of content like X or Instagram and one medium for long-form content like YouTube, a podcast, or a blog.

Build your following

So now you have a marketing channel, you need to encourage people to follow you on your social media accounts and subscribe to your email list.

You can use an incentive by giving something of great value for free so they can join your email list and follow you on social media.

Monetize your content

Now you have the content and following, you can start monetizing it. There are many ways to monetize your content. Here are 3 of them.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is when you recommend other people or company products using a unique affiliate link, and when people buy through that link, you will get paid a percentage of that sale.

There are a lot of affiliate programs for any skill or market; you can google Your skill+affiliate program, and you will find a ton of them.

Creating your product or service

When you create content about your skill, some people will start to follow what you do, and you can create a product or service and offer them.

It does not have to be the best product in the world, it just needs to solve their problem. If your skill is about building websites, you can offer services to build websites for them and charge them a fee.

You can create a course to teach them the skill in detail and offer them personalized support. My first product online was how to create a blog, and I was selling it for $9.9. It did not make me a millionaire, but I made a few bucks online, proving it can be done.

Display ads

This is the easiest way to make money online. If you have a blog or website, you can get a code from an ad display network like Adsense.

They will give you a code that you can add to your blog or website, and after that, some ads will be displayed on your site, and if anyone clicks on them, you will get paid.

If you go a YouTube route after you get 4000 hours worth of views on your videos and at least 1000 subscribers, you can apply to YouTube ads, and if you get accepted, you can turn on YouTube ads for your channel, and you can get paid when people watch ads in your videos.

I use all three methods to make money online, and in some cases, I combine all three of them; you can start one and implement it, and when you succeed, you can implement others.

Find a mentor

After having some success, it is time to find a real mentor. Yes, you can purchase a product from someone, but that does not make them your mentor. You need someone who can have a private coaching section with you.

I don’t recommend doing this when you don’t have any kind of result, this is because, in order to get a serious mentor, you need to show that you are serious in this business too and the results are the only when to do that.

Seek feedback

You will need to seek feedback from anywhere you can to go in the right direction. People who consume your content are an excellent place to start. Find out which kind of content brings more traffic, social media shares, and interaction and create more of it.

If you have a mentor, you can also ask for their feedback. If you don’t have a mentor, join a Facebook group of like-minded people and seek their input.

Take action

This is the most critical factor.

To succeed in this business or anything in life, you must take action and adjust according to the feedback you get from your prospects, fellow marketers, and mentors, and adapt yourself and your content accordingly.

Get over disappointment

This is the real world. You will be disappointed, but you can trust me on this. You will get mean comments, you send emails, and no one opens them, consumes your content, and no sales.

You invest in a product, and they underdeliver, you make a commission, and they don’t pay you. Things can get bad very quickly in this business.

Any of those can happen to you, and sometimes they can happen simultaneously. Learning how to let them go and keep moving on would be best.

Final words

Those are things that you need to do to make money online. If you’re new or not yet ready to make your first sale online, you can check out this video, as you will get the exact steps you will need to take to start making money online.

About the author 

Seki Hudson

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