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How To Start A Blog-My Plan To Build a $100 Per Day Blog

How To Start A Blog

I know many people who would swap their daily jobs for a blog that can earn them at least $100 daily.

With that in mind, I decided to create a new plan on what I would do if I had to start from scratch and create a blog that could make at least $100 per day.

Why $100 per day?

If you make $100 daily, your Yearly income would be $36,500. I know this is a small amount of money for some people, but trust me, I have been to many places, and I know that with this amount of money, you can live comfortably in many places in the world.

Also, remember that you can scale this to any amount you want. I know many bloggers who make between $10k and $100k monthly with just one blog.

How To Start A Blog-My Plan To Build a $100 Per Day Blog

Here is how to start a blog in seven steps. If you want to follow along, I will include some resources in each step so that you can create a blog for yourself.

Step 1: Pick a niche

A niche market is the subset of the market on which a specific product is focused. 

The biggest niches are Making money, relationships, and health and fitness.

People will always want to be richer, healthier, and have a good relationship, and if you can produce content in those niches or subniches, you can make money online. 

Another way to find a niche is to figure out your skill and teach it to people. If you have a skill people can pay for, that is your niche. If you do not have any skills, it is time to learn a new skill or a set of skills and make them your niche.

Do you like coding or cooking? You can share those skills with people on your blog and make money with display ads or affiliate marketing.

Some of the skills that you can learn are


If you lack a skill, you can buy and learn a course or take one weekend, find YouTube videos that teach that skill, take as many notes as possible, test what you are learning, and share the results and lessons with others.

I know about renewable energy, which will be my niche in this example. I can create valuable content on the topic that can help people.

Here are some ways I use to find a profitable niche.

Step 2: Get the domain name.

Now you have a niche, you can pick the domain name. Only spend a little time here; you can use your name or find a domain name quickly using AI.

I used Chapgpt to get a brandable domain name. Here is how I did it. The prompt I use is Can you please recommend a blog name for a green energy blog? 

Yes, I use the word please when I communicate with a chatbot.

You can use the same prompt and change your niche; for example, it can be. Can you please recommend a blog name for an email marketing blog?

ChatGPT will give you some suggestions. If you like them, you can register a domain name.

If you do not like any of them or are taken, you can tell the bot to suggest more names. You can do this until you find the domain name you like.

If your name is not taken, you can use your name on this blog; the domain name is, which is my name.

For this example, I got

After you get a domain name, please go to and register your domain name.

My recommended site for buying domains is

Here is a video showing another way to find and register a domain.

Step 3: Get the content ideas 

If you have a day job, I recommend doing this step on the weekend, which is the most important part of this process and requires most of your time.

The first thing you need to do is find the words used in your niche. For example, if you are in a money online niche, you can use terms like blogging, affiliate marketing, list building, email marketing, etc.

In the weight loss niche, you can use words like calories, BMI, eating disorder, macro, etc.

Some common words in the solar energy niche are solar power, solar panels, solar inverters, net metering, PPA, etc.

If you are familiar with your niche, it is easy to know these words. If you are not, you can go to and type the main word in your niche, find subreddits that talk about your niche, and check out all the terms used in conversation.

Write down all the terms, take them individually, and put them into the keyword tool. I recommend using Ahrefs, but the lowest price is $99, and they do not have a free trial.

If you do not have money, the best alternative is, which has a 14-day free trial ( they will ask for a credit card but won’t charge it).

For each word, find the keywords people search online, export them as Excel, and save that file to your PC.

Do this for all terms commonly used in your niche. This step may take time, so I recommend doing it on the weekend.

For Semrush, I recommend a keyword difficulty of 14 and below, and for Ahrefs, I recommend a keyword of 10  or less.

This way, you will get many content ideas. After that, you can cancel the Semrush subscription before the 14-day trial ends.

If you have money, I recommend keeping it, but if you do not, you can cancel, create content, and come back and reactivate the subscription when you start making some money.

Here is how to find content ideas for your blog.

Step 4: Install WordPress and set your blog for success.

You already have a domain name. It is time to install WordPress, the theme, and some plugins to make your blog presentable.

To make money online, you need a functional blog, and you do not need to hire a developer.

To have a functional blog, you will need a hosting account.

A hosting account connects your domain to the internet and stores all the data presented on your domain.

For example, websites you see online have data that allows them to be presented and loaded.

The data is loaded from a server connected to your domain name, where people can view it.

This is the perfect hosting for you. If you need fast and reliable but cheap web hosting, I recommend Cloudways. They start at $11 per month, and you pay only for the resources you use.

Here are the videos that can help you with that.

Get hosting and install WordPress.

Create and add a logo to your blog.

How to create an email address for your blog

How to create basic pages

How to install a theme

How to install plugins

Step 5: Create content

Now, you can start creating your content and post it on your blog. Go back to the list we created from the keyword tool above, pick one keyword that makes sense, and Google it.

Check the site’s ranking on the first page and its content type. These can be sales pages, e-commerce sites such as Amazon and Walmart, or normal blogs with information.

For new blogs, go with informational posts, and when your blogs grow, you can go for informational content.

You can open the first three results, check out the outline of the posts, what they cover, and if you can do better.

You need better content than those in the first three results; better content can be more informative, have clear language, or be longer.

I recommend writing at least 100 articles. If you do not get enough traffic after that amount of articles, you can re-evaluate and determine the problem. It can be the wrong niche or the quality of the articles, among many factors.

Step 6 Add affiliate links.

Most affiliate networks want you to have a functional blog that has some traffic to approve you to promote their product.

After you write a few articles, you can apply to Amazon’s affiliate program, Walmart, Impact, or any other affiliate product and add links to your articles.

I treat each article as its page and objective. I always add a link that is relative to the article.

This is one way to make money with a traffic blog.

I made my first $1.58 on Amazon from my blog. Although this is not yet $100 a day, it proves this method works. 

Step 7: Add Display ads

If you want to avoid dealing with affiliate managers, you can add a code to your website and earn income when people click on ads from your blog.

There are many display ad agencies, and the biggest one is Adsense. AdSense can accept your blog into their program if you get at least 20 visitors daily.

Other add networks that I use are Ezoic and Adthrive. Ezoic is easier to enter as it needs at least 10k page views monthly.

For your site to get approved for AdThrive, you must have at least 100,000 monthly pageviews

These pageview metrics must be verifiable in Google Analytics (other third-party traffic tools are not accepted).

You can start with AdSense, and when your blog gets more visitors, you can move to a better display ad network.

Usually, networks that require many pageviews pay more money per 1000 views.

I got accepted when I started to get about 20 pageviews per day.

FAQ: How To Start A Blog

How do you blog for a beginner?

Do bloggers get paid?

Most bloggers are not paid. The amount of money you can make will depend on the success of your blog.
Some bloggers make no money, whereas others make more than enough to build a career around their blog. 

Key Takeaways: How To Start A Blog

This is my plan to build a $100 per day blog. It should take me six months to a year to achieve this goal. 

The idea is to create 150 articles in the first six months and see where it will take me.

I will share everything I do on my YouTube channel, which you can subscribe to here. I will also share the results via email; you can join my newsletter below.

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