How To Make Money With Warrior Plus

How To Make Money With Warrior Plus

Warrior Plus is one of the fastest-growing affiliate networks; it is also one of the first to pay its affiliates instant affiliate commissions, although that seems to end.

This is my recommended affiliate network for affiliates from Clickbank-banned countries; you can read more about the best Clickbank alternatives here.

If you’re new to Warrior Plus or affiliate marketing, I will give you a step-by-step formula for making money with Warrior Plus.

How To Make Money With Warrior Plus

To make money with Warrior Plus, please follow these steps. If you have an account, you might want to skip the first two steps because these were made for those who do not have an account yet.

1. Create a WarriorPlus account

To access the affiliate system, you must have an account with WarriorPlus. If you do not have one, you can create one here:

You will see a page like this.

How To Make Money With Warrior Plus

All you need to do is provide your username, email address, and password, then click Create an account.

After that, you will receive a verification email. All you need to do is click the verify link, and your account will be created.

2. Add a Paypal Account to Receive Funds

To use the affiliate system, all WarriorPlus members will need a PayPal account with the permissions that WarriorPlus needs.

i. Click on your username in the upper-right-hand corner of and select “My Account” from the dropdown menu. Or go to

ii. Under Vendors/Affiliates, click on “Merchant Account.”


iii. Click the green button that says “+ New Account,” which will pull up a dropdown menu to select one of the following merchant account types: PayPal, Stripe, and Bank Account (the US Only).

When you select one of the merchant account types, you will be redirected to the appropriate page to verify your account.


Once your merchant account is authorized, you can request affiliate status for offers.

Adding at least one PayPal account is highly recommended, as most buyers/vendors use that service.

Also, add your real name, photo, and social media to your profile. This will create trust between vendors and you, making it easier to get approved when you request permission to promote a product.

Just go to edit your profile and add all the required information.

3. find a good offer to promote

To select an excellent promotional offer on Warrior Plus, click on the affiliate tab and then offers, as shown in the image below.


This is my recommendation for selecting affiliate offers.

Select affiliate offers that pay you between $5 and $20 with a 100% commission on front-end sales.

In my experience, I discovered that products that sell between $5 and $20 on the front-end offer have a better conversion, especially if you’re starting.

You only need to ensure that the offer has some upsells and that they pay you 100% commissions on the front-end funnel.

Select affiliate offers that were launched between 3 to 12 months ago.

Most Warrior Plus vendors want to attract super-affiliates during their launch period and to do this, they need to keep high numbers like conversion ratio, visitor value, and low refund rates, so if you don’t have any sales yet, there is a high possibility that you won´t be approved.

To increase your chance, you need to choose products that were launched 3 to 12 months ago, this won’t hurt the vendor so much, and big guys are not promoting it anymore, so it is easier for the vendor to approve you, I won’t go further than that.

When you make some sales, you can start applying for new launches, which can skyrocket your profit.

Select offers with 1000+ sales.

You need to promote a product with more than 1000 sales because if the product can’t sell at least 1000 units after three months, it is probably not a good product to sell.

Select offers with a conversion ratio of 10%+

You need to select a product with a conversion ratio of 10% or more. This means that for every ten visitors you send to the offer, at least one purchases it.

This is not an exact science; it could be a little bit more or a little bit less, but I won’t go to promote a product with less than a 5% conversion ratio.

Select affiliate offers with a $1 visitor value.

With offers with a $1 visitor value, you will make $1 for every persona that clicks that affiliate link.

For example, if you send 100 visitors, you will be expected to make around $100, again this is not an exact science. It can vary depending on your call to action and traffic source.

The higher this number, the better. Don’t promote an offer below the $0.8 visitor value.

Select offers with less than a 10% refund ratio.

This is the number of people who purchased the product but decided to request their money back, and this may be because the product is fraudulent or the product didn’t deliver the promise on the sales page (that is why you need to buy the product for yourself first), even if the product is perfect some people will still ask for a refund, this is the nature of this business.

It would be best if you made sure that the refund ratio is less than 10%, which means you will have one refund for every ten sales; this is not bad; for me, I go for products with less than 5%.

So, these are six things you should consider when selecting Warrior Plus products to promote as an affiliate. After finding the products that meet those requirements, move to the next step.

Buy the product

This is one of the deadly mistakes that new affiliates make, and you want to buy a product before you even promote it.

I highly recommend buying a product before even requesting permission to promote it.

Why you need to buy a product.

To familiarize yourself with it: Knowing the product you’re promoting is the best practice.

First, this will ensure the product is of high quality, and second, it will save you from embarrassment when one of your prospects asks you how to use the product. If you don’t know how, you will lose your credibility, and trust me, it is very difficult to get it back.

It is easy to get approved: Some vendors are reluctant to let new affiliates promote their products, especially if you don’t have any sales.

The best way is to buy their product and tell them you liked it (if that is the case) and you would like to promote it (send them a receipt to show that you bought the products). I got approved every time I used this trick.

Request permission to promote

To promote offers, you must be specifically approved by the vendor.

To get approved, this is what you need to do:

The “Get Offers” page is found in the Affiliate section (Click on “Affiliates” in the top menu and then “Offers”), and there you will be able to browse through the offers available for you to promote.

Select the offer you want to promote, considering the criteria discussed in step 3.


So click the request button, and you will be directed to the affiliate offer page to see some details.

Just fill out the form you will see, tell them you want to promote their offer and tell them the traffic method you will use. That is it.


Some of the vendors will approve you, and some won’t. If you’re not approved, don’t worry. Try the next offer.

How to increase your approval rate in Warrior Plus

To increase your approval rate, you can do the following.

Record a video

You can use your smartphone to record yourself showing your face. You can say something like this:

Hi, Vendor’s name. My name is ‘your name.’ I am a new affiliate here at Warrior Plus. I have been learning how to build a business from ‘name a big marketer who teaches affiliate marketing’ I would like to promote your product, I will use ‘name the traffic strategy’ as my main traffic method to drive visitor to your offer, thank you ‘your name’.

You can adapt it a little bit to fit you, after finishing that video upload it to YouTube and make sure it is unlisted(only people with a link can see it).

Take a link and send it to them via the comment section on Warrior Plus, if you do this your approval rate will be more than 90%.

Add them to social media.

Another way to get approval is to add those vendors to social media, and you need to make sure that your social media has the same name as in Warrior Plus and that you use your real picture.

After adding them, reach out to them and tell them that you want to promote their product; most of the time, they will approve you.

Those are two methods you can use to increase your approval ratio.

Once approved, you will receive an email from the system, and then you can access your affiliate links for that product.

Get Your Affiliate Link(s)

Click on “Affiliates” in the top menu and then click on “Get links,” and you will be taken to this page here:

You will find all the offers you were approved to promote as an affiliate on this page.

Find the offer you’re looking for, then click on the green button that says “Get Link” next to the offer. Inside the window that pops up, you can copy Your Affiliate Link.


This is an example of an offer that meets all the requirements mentioned in the steps above; I made two sales while testing this. I just sent the offer to my list, and the traffic is still coming.

4: Promote your offer

Cloak your link

After your affiliate link, I do not recommend promoting this link directly; I will recommend cloaking it.

To cloak your affiliate link, I recommend using Just go to and create an account (it is free ).


Click on the create button, copy the long ugly affiliate link that you got from Clickbank, and paste it where it says PASTE LONG URL, then click create; that is it. You will get the link like this—

Drive traffic to your affiliate link.

We are going to use Facebook to drive traffic to your affiliate offer.

Facebook is huge for free and paid traffic, but today, I will explain how you can generate free traffic from Facebook.

There are two ways to generate free traffic from Facebook: using your own Facebook profile and creating a Facebook group.

YOU are generating free traffic by just using your profile.

Generating traffic using your profile is the simplest way to generate traffic from Facebook. You can do it in just two steps.

Create and optimize your Facebook profile.


You can use your current Facebook account or create a new one just for your online business; this depends on you.

Once you create your account, you must use your real name and photo to increase credibility and ensure you add your affiliate link to your profile. You can add a small caption and a call to action, for example, I will help you to make $100 per day online, click the link below.

2) Find big Facebook accounts in your niche and start interacting with their content, leave comments, likes, and share their content, look to people who reply to your comments, and add them as friends ( some of them will add you first).

Some of these people will start coming to your Facebook profile to find out more about you, and since you optimized your profile in the first part, some will click on the affiliate link on your page, and some will buy from you.

This method works very well, even if you have zero experience. Let them come to you.

Do not spam or inbox them, but if someone inboxes you with a question, reply and build some connections.

What type of results to expect?

Depending on how the offer converts, you should expect one sale for around ten people who click on your affiliate link.

How do you increase your affiliate sales in Warrior Plus?

All the friends that you will be adding are interested in making money online. When you find a good product that teaches people a specific method of making money online, you can write a simple post like this, ‘I found a way to make money on Facebook without building a blog, making videos, or building a list, if do you want to learn how to comment ‘I want it’ below’.

Some people will comment ‘I want it ‘, all you need to do is to send them an inbox with a simple message, here is the method I was talking about in the post, and then send them your affiliate link.

What next?

When you start to make money, you will need to start to build your email list and invest some money to buy traffic.

To build an email, you will need an autoresponder and a landing page builder.

For an autoresponder, I will recommend Aweber. Also, they offer a landing page builder, which you can use to build your landing pages. You can get all these for free.



Final Word

So these are four steps to make money with Warrior Plus; if you have any questions, let me know so I can help you. Take massive action, and you will see results.

About the author 

Seki Hudson

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