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7 Skills To Make Money Working From Home

7 Skills To Make Money Working From Home

The truth is that the world is changing. Robots and artificial intelligence are taking jobs from humans, and now, with this coronavirus, working from home has become the new norm.

7 Skills To Make Money Working From Home

Learning to work from home has become more important than ever. In this article, I will share seven skills to make money working from home.

Content Creation

Content creation is one of the highest-paid skills when you work from home; think like this: most people are bored with their lives, and they spend their days looking for good content online; instead of becoming one of them, why do you not create content that other people can consume?

You can create content in different forms, it can be in written words and post it on a blog or facebook, it can be in a spoken word and pot it as a podcast, it can be in a video and post it on Youtube.

You can use many platforms to share your content, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.

To make money from your content, you will have to monetize it; you can do that by using Google Adsense, selling other people’s products and services, selling your products, giving shoutouts to other brands, etc.

Start creating content today.


Coding is one of those skills that robots can not replace. If you know how to code, especially if you become good at it, you will always make money.

Most of the things you use, someone coded, the websites, the social media apps, the phones, the computers, and even robots themselves are all based on some code; if there is one skill that you need to master in this digital era is coding.

Even though this skill is more profitable, most people do not know how to code, and many companies are looking for people who can code.

You can make money working from home by coding as a freelancer so that you can choose your customers.


With everything going on, most people buy more from the internet than ever. If you can learn to set up a store online and make sales from it, you can make money online.

I know many people who make a living online by selling physical products and setting up stores on platforms like Shopify.

Paid Advertising

Paid advertising is one of the most lucrative business models online, if you can pay $1 to a company and make it $2 the next day you will be a millionaire. 

Imagine this, people are spending more time online, they are buying more things online, if you can get those people to go and check out products and services you’re selling you can make a ton of cash in the process.

There are many platforms to advertise from: Google, Bing, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, etc.

If you are starting, I recommend first learning how to use Facebook paid advertising to make money from home because almost everyone you know is active on Facebook. You can learn how to advertise on Facebook by clicking here.


Marketing is the art of convincing people to exchange their cash for your products and services, and if you learn this skill, you can make money from home.

There are many types of marketing: email marketing, influencer marketing, content marketing, etc. All you need to do is pick one of those types of marketing and become very good at it.

Graphic and Design 

This is a skill that is in huge demand right now, most people do not know how to create logos, how to create graphics for their content, how to edit video for their video content, if you can learn those skills, you can make a lot of money from home.

You can start by going to sites like and and start offering your services, you can start offering cheap services at first to get your customers and proof of your work and with time you can start charging more.

I know people who charge $300 for editing a 10 minutes video, if you’re good at graphic design and video editing you can make a living working from home.


Copywriting is the art of selling by using written words, and if you can write words that can sell products and services, people will be willing to pay you a lot of money to help them with this.

Some of the good copywriters I know make between $1000 and $30000 per copy they write, and most of the sales pages you see online were not written by the product owner.

They find a guy or girl who can write a good copy, they pay him/her to write the copy, you can be that girl/guy.

If you’re new at writing copy that sells, I recommend reading two books. The first is Expert Secrets by Russel Brunson, and the second is Copywriting Secrets by Jim Edwards; these two books are gold; they can transform how you write copies.

Final words

Those are seven skills to make money working from home; which one do you have? If you do not have any of the above, which would you like to learn? Let me know in the comment section below.

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