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5 Easy Ways To Discover Hot Niches

5 Easy Ways To Discover Hot Niches

Many new online entrepreneurs struggle to find their niche. The main reason for this is that there is a lot of misinformation about how to find a profitable niche.

After building several successful ( and a lot of failed) online businesses, I can say that I have seen a lot of people struggle online because they are in the wrong niche. In this post, I will share five easy ways to discover hot niches so that you can build your business correctly. 

What is a Niche?

A niche is a specific market, interest, problem, or goal that people share.

You can make money online by creating content around those interests and promoting products and services to people interested in the niche.

These products and services can be someone else’s (promoted as an affiliate) or your own.

For example, “weight loss” is a huge market with millions of people interested.

5 Easy Ways To Discover Hot Niches

The biggest mistake most beginners make is picking the wrong niche and then struggling to build their business. Here are the five easy ways to discover hot niches.


I learned from Dan Koe that you are the most profitable niche. Do you have things that interest you? Any hobbies? Skills? Any one of these things can be a niche for you.

You Skills.

What skills do you have? Can you sing? Cook? or do anything that other person can learn? This is your niche. You can start a blog or a YouTube channel and discuss your skills. 

People will follow you, and they will want to learn from you.

You Interests.

Do you have something that interests you? This can be learning a new skill, politics, sports, social issues, etc.

There is a chance that other people have the same interests as you, which can be your niche.

Your Hobbies.

Do you have any hobbies? Your potential niches are watching football, traveling, collecting cards, playing video games, etc.. 

I know many people who make good money online just by streaming video games, and some of them are not even good, but they make thousands of dollars daily streaming these video games.

Your problems.

Do you have any problems? For example, if you are broke and want to make money as a freelancer, you can start your freelancing business and then record the whole process of how you do it. That is your niche.

The good news is that you do not need to define your niche; you can combine all the above and have a unique niche that no one else can copy.

For example, you can be a person who likes to write and blog, travel, work out, and buy cool things.

I can bet that at least 100 people out there want precisely that; you can be someone they are looking for, and if you can charge those 100 people just $100 per month, that is a $10,000 monthly income.

Using a keyword research tool.

Another easy way to find a profitable niche is using a keyword research tool. 

A keyword research tool is a tool that helps you find which keywords are best to target and provides valuable insight into the queries that your target audience is searching on Google. 

I find something people might search for online, for example, templates, so I will go to any keyword research tools like Semrush or Ahrefs, write that one word on the search bar, and hit search.

I used for this.

As you can see, many people are searching for templates; if you scroll down, you will find more specific information.

You can click where it says view all clusters, you can find out what people are searching about, and if you click where it says view all keywords, you will find more.

If you go through those keywords, you can find some interesting ideas that can be your profitable niche.

My recommendation is to start creating content for keywords that have KD% less than 30.

Your environment.

Your environment can be an easy source of your profitable niche. You need to pay attention to what people are doing in your environment.

For example, one day, I went to a coffee shop, and I figured out most people did not know the difference between types of coffee.

They did not know the difference between mocha, latter, American coffee, etc. I went home that day.

I created a small site that explained different types of coffee and how to spot them. Six months later, my small site was getting a lot of traffic.


Magazines spend a lot of money on research about the magazine’s main topic; what you can do is ethically steal their ideas.

Check out the magazine’s session if you go to a mall or big shopping center. What are the headlines? Those are the possible niches.

If you can not find physical magazines, you can check online, figure out what these magazines are printing, and get your profitable niche ideas from them.

One site I love to go to for inspiration is

Online Marketplaces.

Another easy way to discover hot niches is to use online marketplaces. You need to find out what people are paying money to buy things online, and we will use the two largest retail stores in the world, Amazon and Clickbank.


Amazon is the biggest brand name in the world, accounting for nearly 40% of all US e-commerce sales.

It’s also a great place to find profitable affiliate niches.

Step 1

Head over to Amazon and click the “All” button on the left-hand side of the search bar.


Step 2

Go to the best seller tab or click the link below:

you will see the categories selling now; take a different paper and write down what interests you.


Amazon is a great place to find a profitable niche with plenty of physical products, but the most lucrative affiliate offers are for digital products and services.

ClickBank is the best place to look for a niche with many digital products.

Here are my two steps on how to validate products on Clickbank.

Step 1

Head over to ClickBank and navigate to the Affiliate Marketplace. You can use the direct link:

Click on the search icon.

On the drop menu where it says popularity, click there and change it to Gravity.

You will get the list of the products that are selling at this moment. You will see the list of topics after the word cat in each product.

For example, the topic will be Health and fitness, and the subtopic will be dietary supplements.

Step 2

List all categories on the first and second page; you should have at least 20.

Now you have a list of your hobbies, talents, and interests in one paper and a list of the products/topics that are selling online, it is time to match them out.

Find and list the topics that appear in both from each piece of paper. These will be the most profitable niches for you. Just pick one of them and focus on that.

What do I do after I find my niche?

After discovering your hot niche, you must create a blog or a YouTube channel and start producing content related to your niche.

You can learn how to create a blog here.

You can learn the process of making money online in any niche here.

Final word.

Those are five ways to discover hot niches. I do recommend that you start and focus on one niche only.

It is also better to pick something you are interested in. This makes it much easier to target your market and promote your website.

If you have any questions, leave them in the comment section below or contact me via a contact form on this blog, and I will get back to you with an answer.

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