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4 Skills To Learn To Make Money Online

Skills To Learn To Make Money Online

According to the studies, more than 90% of people who try to make money online fail miserably, and most fail even to make a single dollar online.

The high fail rate is because most lack these 4 core skills, and hence fail to make a dime online. In this post, I will go through those 4 skills you need to learn to make money online.

What are The 4 Skills To Learn To Make Money Online?

To change your life and make money online, you must learn the core 4 skills.


Writing is the most important skill if you want to make real money online, you see it is fundamental to everything we do online.

You need to publish a blog, you need to write, you need to create audio, you need to write a script, you need to create a video, and you need to write a script first.

This is the same if you are doing social media, email marketing, X, Pinterest, etc, you need to know how to write.

If you can write good content online you will be able to connect with your audience and make money.

If you can hire someone to write for you or use AI to write, then you need to master editing the content, you see no bot o other human can replicate what you can do, you need to add your style and personality to your content and ChatGPT or a Ghostwrite will not do that for you, this is the skill you must master.

Another part of the writing you need to master is storytelling, you see, human beings learn from hearing stories, so you need to find a way to make your life interesting and tell stories to your audience.

When I say make your life interesting, I mean try doing new things that are related to your business or the audience you are targeting and tell them a story about what you did, what you learned, and your success and failure, this will help you to connect deeper with your audience and hence they will trust you more, remember people buy from people they know and trust.


Another skill that you need to learn to make money online is marketing, marketing can be divided into three parts, funnels, lead generation, and marketing research.

Marketing research

Market research is finding out what your audience wants, and then give them exactly what they want and then charging them for it.


After finding out what people want you need to be able to create simple web pages that will guide your audience through the solution, these pages are called funnels.

You can create a simple funnel that can capture your audience’s emails and then send them to a booking or offer page.

I use free software to create funnels, it is called, and you can get it for free here.

Lead generation

You need to start generating leads for your business, this is where the money is, to generate leads you will need to create a lead magnet, this is something you will offer as an ethical bribe so that people can give you their email.


If you are not making sales and getting money you do not have a business. You need to learn how to make sales, this means you need to learn to turn leads into phone bookings and then close those bookings on the phone.

People buy with emotions and justify their actions with logic, you need to be able to figure out physiological emotions that will trigger your prospects into taking action and buying from you.

If you do not sell your product or service, you can offer your audience a bonus or you can offer to teach them how to use and apply the product if they buy through your affiliate link, this will make their decision easier and bring money into your bank account.

Audience Building

Another reason why most people fail is that they do not have an audience, you need to start building an audience.

These are people who will consume your content, follow you, and follow your recommendations.

You can start by building a brand, this can be your name, build a simple blog, build your social media accounts, and start sharing content.

Then you can create a lead capture page and build your email list, you can build a Facebook group, a telegram channel, or a Discord community.

Having a community is the easiest way to make money online, you have a product to promote, share it with your community, you have a new idea, share it with your community, they suspended your Youtube Channel, so you can create a new one and ask your community to subscribe and get monetized in the same day.

Key Takeaways: 4 Skills To Learn To Make Money Online

It does not matter what product or services you offer online, if you can learn how to write, marketing sales, and audience building, you will never go broke.

Learn those skills, you will not be that good at the beginning, but if you persist in 6 to 12 months you can become very good and become financially free.

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