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3 Things You Need To Succeed On Your Side Hustle

3 Things You Need To Succeed On Your Side Hustle

Starting an online side hustle and making it into a business that can earn extra income can be challenging.

Even though it is challenging, it is not impossible, many people I know have built an online business that started as a side project.

Here are the only 3 things you need to succeed with your online side hustle.

A valuable skill

This is where most people get it wrong. They think that they can make money from thin air, but that is not possible. 

Yes, you can post motivational quotes on your X account, and you can get many followers and engagement, but those will not make your sales.

You need to learn a real and valuable skill, the skill that you can use to solve other people’s problems or you can teach them something.

If you already have that skill good, if you do not have you can start learning that skill, and document your journey.

Here are the skills that will boost the impact and income from your online endeavors:

A good work ethic

Having a skill is one thing, and working on it is the other, you need to start creating content every day, you can start a YouTube channel, a blog, or an X account.

For your audience to grow you will need to engage with them, create content for them, communicate with your potential customers, have meetings with the customers, fulfill their orders, and so on.

If you are lazy you will not be able to do all of this, you can be the best graphic designer in the world with crazy skills, but if you can not sit for 4 hours designing graphics for your customers you will not be able to retain them and they will go to the less skilled designer.

You need to be able to work as hard as you can.

 A strong network

People buy from other people, you will get your best customers when someone from your network refers them to you.

When you start creating content, some people will start interacting and commenting on your content, that is your tribe.

You need to start replying to their comment, for those people who you like, you can start sending them Direct Messages, some of them you will even exchange phones and other contact with them.

These people are your network, they have other friends, and when their other friends need a service like yours guess who they will recommend? You.

As they say, your network is your net worth, start building your network today.

Key TakeAway: 3 Things You Need To Succeed On Your Side Hustle

Three things you need to build your online business are:

A skill

A good work ethic

A strong network

Have these and opportunities will come to you.

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