10 Tips To Increase Traffic To Your Landing Page Using Instagram

10 Tips To Increase Traffic To Your Landing Page Using Instagram

Instagram is among the best social media for driving traffic to your landing pages. In this post, I will share ten tips to increase traffic to your landing page using Instagram.

Can you add an affiliate link to an Instagram page?

Yes, you can add an affiliate link directly to an Instagram page. I do this on some of my pages without any issues.

What I recommend here is to use a link shortener like bit.ly. This will mask your affiliate link.

If you want to increase profitability and reduce the risk of Instagram burning your page, I recommend building a landing page.

It could be a pre-sale page where you presale people before they go to an affiliate offer or a squeeze page where people will email you before they go to the sales page. Both will increase profitability.

How do you create a landing page for free?

I use systeme.io to create landing pages. You can create up to three for free. Create your free account here.

I created two landing pages, one for a money online niche and another for a weight loss niche, two of the popular niches in the market. Click on the image of each landing page to download them.

Make Money Online landing page.


Weight Loss landing page.

landing page

10 Tips To Increase Traffic To Your Landing Page Using Instagram.

Now you have the landing pages,  let us discuss the ten tips to increase traffic to your landing page using Instagram.

1) Make Your Name SEO Friendly.

Keep your username whatever you’d like, but when it comes to your NAME (the bold text right above your bio, change it to something that clearly describes the goal of your page:

-Affiliate Marketing Tips

-BBQ Aficionado 

-Retirement Income Strategies

…whatever describes you BEST.

For this purpose, I chose fitflavorlife. This describes my page as the page that is focused on living a fit life.

2) Keep Your Bio Short, Sweet, & Precise.

Don’t feel the need to overload it with emojis or give yourself a dozen titles:

I help complete beginners make money online through affiliate marketing.”

For my page, the bio is I Inspire People to live fit and flavorful lives. 

3) Use a Preset Filter On Your Photos.

This will help you keep your page consistent without overthinking when it comes time to post. Use VSCO or the Lightroom App.

This will make your page look professional and save you time.

4) Canva is Your Friend!

Inspirational Quotes and posts are doing well on Instagram. Go to Canva, check their premade templates, and plug in your favorite quotes.

If you don’t have design experience or a background in graphics, you’ll love the simplicity of Canva.

5) Use Your Face, Not Your Logo.

People want a personalized experience, especially when most want to support small businesses. You will be better saved using your photo than using your logo.

Trust me, you’ll be happy you kept your “person” front and center when you begin to grow.

Many brands are not trying to make the switch to get outside of their logo, so get your profile off to a good start!

6) Don’t Use Super-Long Links in Your Bio.

Do not use long affiliate links in your bio. Use shorter links. You can use a WordPress plugin called Pretty Link if you have a blog.

If you do not have a blog, you can use a simple link shortener like Bit.ly, which will go a long way and make your link look professional and well-planned.

7) GeoTags on All Posts.

It’s not easy to gain a ton of traffic for high-volume keywords on Instagram, but geotagging will always be in fashion as the folks in your area tend to seek out content from their location. Capitalize on that and get that low-hanging fruit.

8) Engage with Your Audience Daily.

Respond to every comment, DM, and even check out the people who’ve liked your posts. If you don’t have a lot of traction here, do that on other accounts similar to yours.

9) Comment on bigger pages.

Many big accounts don’t have the time to answer all the questions underneath their posts, so this is a chance for YOU to provide some value there and get some traction. 

Most people will ask questions in big accounts, but those guys do not have time to respond.

Be the person who can provide answers to those questions, and if you do know the answers, you can always Google them ( most people will not do this).

This will make many people notice your account, and most will follow you. This way, you can increase the number of people who follow you.

10) Shout out from similar pages.

In your journey of building an Instagram page for your affiliate marketing business, you will find many people on a similar journey.

You need to create relationships with these people, find people with the same target audiences as you, contact them, and ask them to mention you on some of their posts so that you can get exposure to their followers in exchange for returning the favor.

Most page administrators will accept this proposal if you have almost the same number of followers.

This will expose your page to new people, increasing engagement and visitors to your landing pages.

Key takeaways: 10 Tips To Increase Traffic To Your Landing Page Using Instagram

To increase traffic to your landing page using Instagram. In that case, you need to create a page that describes the purpose of your page, add a link to your landing page into the bio, use a short and straightforward bio, engage with your followers, and get a shoutout to similar pages. 

Alright, I hope these tips help you with your Instagram Accounts today.



About the author 

Seki Hudson

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